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Smart Works get extra funding to expand into North Manchester


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Smart Works have received £2000 from the Equans Community Fund to support their Smart Works GM M9 Outreach Project.

Smart Works is a women’s charity that has the specific purpose to support, inspire and empower unemployed women within Greater Manchester to get into the workplace.

They only recently opened their Manchester City Centre space in May 2023 and are keen to offer their support to women living in North Manchester.

Smart Works offer a fantastic styling service, providing women with high quality clothing for their job interview, job coaching and interview preparation to give women the confidence they deserve.

Once the job is offered, you’re welcome back for another styling service to be provided with a capsule wardrobe of 5-7 outfits to help ease the financial burden of buying a new work wear wardrobe and again improve confidence levels.

Smart Work support all women who are unemployed or on a zero hours contract and referrals can be made via any third part organisation.

Quote from a recent client who visited the Manchester service:

The skills and self-assurance I developed while working with the amazing team at Smart Works have been instrumental in my job search success. Your organization has not only provided me with the attire and resources needed for interviews but also empowered me with the self-belief required to excel in those interviews.”
